Dr. Sacha Kagan

Sacha Kagan


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Sacha Kagan (PhD) is a transdisciplinary researcher of 'cultures of sustainability', and art sociologist, based at Leuphana University (Lüneburg, Germany), founding coordinator at Cultura21 (an international network for cultures of sustainability), and active member of several other networks in scientific and artistic fields. He is the author of the internationally received book Art and Sustainability (transcript Verlag, 2011). In his search for cultures of sustainability, Sacha came to the understanding that aesthetics of complexity provides a rich cultural-creative key to the search process of sustainability-transformation. His current research interests include the roles of artists in urban “anthropo-scenes” as spaces of possibilities, and the contributions of queer- and BDSM-oriented practice and theory to aesthetics of complexity.




The Alchemy of BDSMsacha WS

Expanding aesthetics of complexity through the alchemy of BDSM: a conversational drift

With its xploratory search at the threshold of arts, sexuality, body-mind practices and BDSM, what aesthetic and ethical learning processes does Schwelle7 unfold? In a conversation with Felix Ruckert and with the participants at Xplore 2015, Sacha Kagan aims to tease out some of the potential insights that emerge from an expanded practice of corporeal learning.

The conversation, which will start as a dialogue between Sacha and Felix, will then branch out as a metalogue with all participants, alternating plenary and smaller group conversations. We welcome you to share your thoughts, questions and experience about ethical, aesthetic, cultural and political insights you may have gained through BDSM-related practice.

This session will constitute a moment for reflection. We will xplore together how the alchemical processes of BDSM play & performance, especially when they encounter other creative and embodied practices, may expand our understanding of self and society. Among the issues and theoretical perspectives we may approach are: power relations, political spaces, social roles, embodied knowing, the remapping of the sexual body (after Foucault), the qualities of ambivalence and ambiguity in transmuting dichotomies into dia-logical unities (after Morin),the virtues of border-crossing and border-expanding (BDSM as queering), and the messy pathways of human resilience.






Photo: unknown